Core Java

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Core java Topics:


1. Core Java Programming Introduction of Java

  • Introduction to Java; features of Java
  • Comparison with C and C++
  • Download and install JDK/JRE (Environment variables set up)
  • The JDK Directory Structure
  • First Java Program through command prompt
  • First Java Program through Eclipse

2. Data types and Operators

  • Primitive Datatypes, Declarations, Ranges
  • Variable Names Conventions
  • Numeric Literals, Character Literals
  • String Literals
  • Arrays(One dimensional; two- dimensional)
  • Array of Object References
  • Accessing arrays, manipulating arrays
  • Enumerated Data Types
  • Non-Primitive Datatypes
  • Defining a class, variable and method in Java
  • Method Signature; method calls
  • Expressions in Java; introduction to various operators
  • Assignment Operator
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Conditional Operators
  • Operator Precedence
  • Implicit Type Conversions
  • Upcasting and downcasting
  • Strict typing
  • Type conversion

3. Control Flow statements

  • Statements and it’s various categories in Java
  • if, if-else, if-else-if
  • switch case
  • for statement (both flavours traditional and enhanced for)
  • while and do-while loops
  • The continue Statement; labelled continue statement
  • The break Statement; labelled break statement
  • return statement

4. OOPS and its application in Java

  • Classes and Objects
  • Defining a class;Defining instance variables and methods
  • Creating objects out of a class
  • Method calls via object references
  • Abstraction
  • Interfaces and Abstract classes
  • Abstract and non-abstract methods
  • Inheritance
  • extends and implements keywords in Java
  • Super class and Sub class
  • this keyword, super keyword in Java for inheritance
  • Concrete classes in Java
  • Polymorphism
  • Compile time polymorphism — Overloading of methods
  • Run time polymorphism — Overriding of methods
  • Method  Overriding rules and method overloading rules
  • Introduction to Object class and it’s methods
  • Encapsulation
  • Protection of data
  • Java Bean, POJO
  • Getters/Setters
  • Memory management in Java
  • Heap
  • Stack

5. Packages

  • Need for packages
  • What are packages; package declaration in Java
  • Import statement in Java
  • How do packages resolve name clashes?

6. Miscellaneous

  • Var-Args
  • Reference variables, local variables, instance variables
  • Memory allocations to variables
  • Double equals operator(==) operator for primitives and objects
  • toString() method on an object

7. Statics

  • Static variables and methods
  • Static imports
  • Static initialization blocks; instance intialization blocks
  • Static concept in inheritance

8. Constructors

  • What are Constructors?
  • Properties of Constructors
  • Default and Parameterized Constructors
  • Rules for constructor implementation
  • Constructor Chaining
  • this call; super call for constructors
  • Constructors for Enumerated Data Types
  • Constructors concept for Abstract classes and interfaces

9. Exceptions in Java

  • What are Exceptions?
  • Need for exceptions
  • How can Exceptions be coded in Java?
  • API heirarchy for Exceptions
  • Types of Exceptions
  • Keywords in Exception API: try, catch, finally, throw, throws
  • Rules for coding Exceptions
  • Declaring Exceptions
  • Defining and Throwing Exceptions
  • Errors and Runtime Exceptions
  • Custom Exception
  • Assertions
  • What are Assertions?
  • Enabling and disabling assertions in development environment

10. Strings in Java

  • What are Strings?
  • String heap memory and Constant Pool memory
  • Immutability in Strings
  • String creation on heap and constant pool
  • Method APIs on String; operations on Strings
  • Mutability of String Objects – StringBuilder and StringBuffer
  • Splitting of Strings and StringTokenizer clas

11. Collection Framework in Java

  • The Collections Framework
  • The Set Interface
  • Set Implementation Classes
  • The List Interface
  • List Implementation Classes
  • The Map Interface
  • Map Implementation Classes
  • Queue Interface
  • Queue Implmentation classes
  • Utility classes
  • Sorting collections using utility methods
  • equals() and hashCode contract in Java collections
  • overriding equals and hashCode methods in Java
  • New Collections added in Java 1.6
  • Primitive wrapper classes and all its method APIs

12. Generics

  • Generics for Collections
  • Generics for class
  • Generics for methods

13. Input-Output in Java

  • What is a stream?
  • Overview of Streams
  • Bytes vs. Characters
  • Overview of the entire Java IO API
  • Reading a file; writing to a file usinf various APIs
  • Reading User input from console
  • PrintWriter Class

14. Serialization

  • Object Serialization
  • Serializable Interface
  • Serialization API
  • ObjectInputStream and ObjectOutput
  • Transient Fields
  • readObject and writeObject

15. Inner Classes

  • Inner Classes
  • Member Classes
  • Local Classes
  • Anonymous Classes
  • Static Nested Classes

16. Threads in Java

  • Non-Threaded Applications
  • Threaded Applications
  • Process based multitasking Vs Thread based multitasking
  • Thread API in Java
  • Creating Threads
  • States of a Thread
  • Sychronization for threads; static and non-static synchronized methods; blocks; concept of object and class locks
  • Coordination between threads – wait, notify and notifyAll methods for inter-thread communication

17. Applets

  • What are applets?
  • Need for Applets
  • Different ways of running an applet program
  • Applet API heirarchy
  • Life Cycle of an applet
  • Even Handlers for applets, mouse events, click events

18. Swing GUI

  • Introduction to AWT
  • Introduction to Swing GUI
  • Advantages of Swing over AWT
  • Swing API
  • Swing GUI Components
  • Event Handlers for Swing
  • Sample Calculator application using Swing GUI and Swing Event handling

19. JDBC

  • What is JDBC; introduction
  • JDBC features
  • JDBC Drivers
  • Setting up a database annd cretaing a schema
  • Writing JDBC code to connect to DB
  • CRUD Operations with JDBC
  • Statement types in JDBC
  • Types of Rowset, ResultSet in JDBC

20. Access Modifers in Java

  • What are access modifiers?
  • Default
  • Protected
  • Private
  • Public

21. Debugging of Java Programs in Eclipse.



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